Platform Features

Our software platform is a world class internationally hosted software-as-a-service innovation management platform. Innovation Cafe provides an advanced platform for your organization to create, engage and grow your innovation communities.

Innovation Cafe has a number of features that include:

  • User Administration

    Create/edit users and specify formal user roles

  • Documentation Repository

    Upload and manage documents

  • Micro Blogging

    Keep in touch and update your current activities

  • Dashboards

    Customization of your dashboards helps you keep track of site energy and participation with advanced reporting and statistics

  • Advanced Permissions

    Restrict content on the platform to specific users using the permissions system

  • Innovation Portfolio

    Use the Y-model (context, approach and impact) to evaluate your ideas

  • Idea Management

    Create ideas and comment on other users’ ideas

  • Custom Content

    Create custom content such as articles

  • Configurable Organogram

    Create a company organogram, formally linking users to business units

  • Geo Map

    View the entire organizational activity on a geographical map

  • Social Network Analysis

    Visualize platform content and activity. Identify key users and topics within the ecosystem

  • Tags

    Find commonality between ideas and other site content by using tags

  • Reputation Ranking

    Score and rate users and develop a reputation profile

  • Recommendation Engine

    Receive suggestions around whom to connect with. Stream relevant ideas based on your behavior or interest

  • Strategic Project Delivery Integration

    Realize ideas through creating projects from the selected ideas in FluidPMO

  • Mobile App

    Access Innovation Café through your desktop, tablet or smartphone

  • Custom Themes

    Custom themes may be developed for your specific requirement

  • Digital Persona

    Use platforms such as Twitter or Logo Tournament to automatically create ideas in Innovation Café